How can I find out about the PHP hosting directives and modules?Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések • Tehnic | php | module | directive | php-fpm
Romanian English The displayed article presents the way in which you can find out information related to PHP hosting directives and modules
által Mihai BobriucMegtekintések 1347Frissítve most 2 évekKözzétéve 18/08/2022
When accessing the site I get 500 Internal Server Error, white page or PHP errors. How can I find out details about the problem?Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések • Tehnic | 500 | error | internal server
Known error 500. For many users it presents a major problem. In this article you will find all the information you need.
által Mihai BobriucMegtekintések 1156Frissítve most 1 évKözzétéve 18/08/2022
What is associated contact technical support?Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések • Tehnic | support | technical | assistance
The new Hostico technical support system offered at the contact level
által Mark DohiMegtekintések 1110Frissítve most 2 évekKözzétéve 12/07/2022
How do I host my primary domain from a sub-folder by using the .htaccess file?Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések • Tehnic | .htaccess | redirected | subfolder | public_html | domain | subdirectory
In this article we will explain how to host the primary domain in a sub-folder by using the .htaccess file.
által Mihai BobriucMegtekintések 1042Frissítve most 2 évekKözzétéve 18/08/2022
What should I do after cleaning the site from infections ?Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések • Tehnic | infecție | virus | malwareinfection | virus | malware | scan | compromised site | hacked | scanare | site compromis | hacked
In this article we will explain what is the post recovery procedure of an infected site. site of infections ?
által Mihai BobriucMegtekintések 1021Frissítve most 2 évekKözzétéve 18/08/2022
Do you offer MySQL Remote?Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések • Tehnic | mysql remote | hosting
This article describes the procedure to enable MySQL Remote.
által Mihai BobriucMegtekintések 961Frissítve most 2 évekKözzétéve 18/08/2022
When accessing the site, I receive the error We're having trouble finding that site, This site can't be reached, ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED. What is the cause ?Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések • Tehnic | error | browser | access
O eroare caAn error that can have multiple causes. If a factor presented in the article has been identified, the problem will be poate avea multiple cauze. Dacă un factor prezentat în articol a fost identificat, problema va fi rezolvată.
által Mihai BobriucMegtekintések 941Frissítve most 2 évekKözzétéve 18/08/2022