Affiliate feltételek

Hostico Affiliate Program Általános Szerződési Feltételek

Kell teljesíteni, hogy Hostico partnerré válhassunk.
kell teljesíteni, hogy Hostico partnerré válhassunk.

Az Affiliate feltételek a webhelyen nem érhető el magyar nyelven. Az oldal nem fordítására való döntés a tartalom eredeti értelmének tisztaságának és pontosságának megőrzése érdekében született. A fordítás kockázatot hordozhat a adatfeldolgozási megállapodás pontos jelentésének torzítása vagy félreértelmezése tekintetében. Azok angol nyelven való megtartásával biztosítjuk, hogy minden felhasználó pontos és igazságos információhoz juthasson, elkerülve a fordítási folyamat során előforduló félreértéseket.

Table of Contents

I. Conditions of Use
II. Commissions
III. Payments and Billing
IV. Use of the Services
V. Privacy and data security
VI. Limited liability
VII. General Terms

I. Conditions of Use

Art. 1

This document contains the terms and conditions of the partnership services offered by SC Awesome Projects S.R.L. through Hostico ( The websites, services and contents of are offered by SC Awesome Projects SRL Tax Code (CUI): RO 13163913Nr. Registration: J24/421/30.06.2000 Operational Headquarters: Gheorghe Şincai nr. 26, Etaj 2 Sighetu Marmaţiei, Maramures, Romania. This document defines the framework in which Hostico agrees to provide any services to its clients and users through this website. Using the Hostico services involves accepting and complying with this document.

II. Commissions

Art. 2

The commission is applied only after the registration by of a valid payment for the services/products to which it provides the sales commission.
The commission is registered and offered only once for the payment of new orders placed by the customer. It is not recurring and will not be offered to you for any subsequent payments made for the same services.
Commission is not applied to orders made by the affiliate on their own client account.

The commission may be withdrawn:

  • in the event that the payment will be subsequently modified
  • if the client request the return of the amounts allocated under the "30 day money back warranty"
  • In case the payment is not correctly registered the commission will not be allocated

The commission may be modified:

  • in the event the customer chooses to activate/use a promotional/deduction coupon
  • in the event the customer chooses to activate one of the Hostico programs
Art. 2.1

Initial bonus €10.00.
Upon registration into the affiliate system, you will be given the amount of €10.00.
This amount is offered only once per customer.
This amount can not be used as standalone, but only along with the minimum amount for withdrawal.

III. Payments and Billing

Art. 3

SC Awesome Projects SRL reserves the right to reject any payment if there is suspicion of illegal activity of the partner. Illegal activities include, but are not limited to: SPAM (unsolicited email), illegal advertising, scam, false promises, etc. In the case of direct or indirect prejudice to image, the partner`s account will be closed without prior notification and without making other payments, following that the recovery of damages to be made in court.

There will be a signed marketing contract, in which you will be a provider of services through internet, namely you will advertise the products of SC Awesome Projects SRL on your website, sending potential buyers to the website to purchase products/services that are offered for commissions.

In accordance with the current tax legislation, the incomes obtained by you will be taxed. This tax is differentiated for individuals and companies as:

Art. 3.1

Payment to individuals.
On the revenues obtained from the provision of services contract signed with Awesome Projects SRL, will be retained the following percentage.

  • 10% income tax according to the contract signed under the Civil Code

This amount will be retained and paid by SC Awesome Projects SRL to the state budget until 25th of the month for the previous month of payment income. The amount remaining after taxation of the earned income will be transferred into your account within 20 days after signing the contract.
The document required to sign the contract is an identity card.

Art. 3.2

Payment to legal entities and authorized individuals.
Based on the civil contract for services, the company that you represent will issue an invoice for revenues obtained + VAT if the company is paying VAT, stating on the invoice the number and date of the contract. The term of payment is 20 days from date of invoice.

Art. 3.3

Payments will be made for a minimum of €50.00 and maximum of €1000.00 earned based on contract by bank transfer. A maximum of €1000.00 can be withdrawn in a month.

Art. 3.4

Money won can be used both by individuals and legal entities for the purchase or renewal of products/services offered by Hostico. In this regard there is no need to achieve the amount of €50.00 required for withdrawal, being possible at any time to use the monies won to cover the costs of the desired products/services. The bonus of €10.00 offered at registration can not be used in this regard.

Art. 3.5

The accumulation of the amounts earned through several affiliation accounts, regardless of whether they are held by one or more natural or legal persons is not possible.

IV. Use of the Services

Art. 4

Hostico services will only be used for legal purposes. Any activities that may be considered illegal are strictly forbidden. In cases of suspicions about a partner, the account will be closed immediately, without any notice and without payment. It is forbidden to display the materials from or SC Awesome Projects SRL on websites with illegal content. The websites that display illegal material include, but are not limited to:
violation of copyright, trademark protected material, threats, abuse, harassment, adult content, pornography, sexual or obscene content, illegal activities, hacking , cracking, warez.

Art. 4.1

Sending email advertisements to promote the services offered by is strictly forbidden. If suspicion of SPAM proves to be real, accounts of the members who violate this rule will be closed immediately, without notice and without payment.

Art. 4.2

The following types of individuals/companies can use the affiliate service:

  • physical (unauthorized) individual of 18 years old or older
  • physical authorized individual (PFA) with marketing / advertising activity
  • company with marketing/advertising activity

Unauthorized individuals who make gains often (2-3 times/year) by marketing / advertising services offered to Hostico have the legal obligation to get authorization according to the fiscal laws. Hostico reserves the right to suspend the marketing / advertising collaboration with the affiliate at any time based on the existence of the authorization.


Art. 4.3

The opening of multiple affiliate accounts by a single holder with the intention of using these accounts for cross-order placement in order to obtain affiliate earnings is prohibited.
The affiliation accounts identified to be involved in such actions will be closed and the profits obtained by them eliminated.

V. Privacy and data security

Art. 5

The processing of personal information will be done according to the Privacy Policy and the Data Processing Agreement

Art. 5.1

The customer is responsible for maintaining in secure conditions the user name, passwords and other sensitive information. If there is any doubt, the customer must change or request a change of login details by contacting the support team.

VI. Limited liability

Art. 6

We are not responsible for damage caused by temporary unavailability of our servers, for whatever the reason which causes this. This includes damages resulting from deterioration or loss of data. The customer agrees to guarantee and consider us not guilty from any claims, damages, including but not limited to damages caused to third parties, arising as a consequence of the use of service which damages our client.

VII. General Terms

Art. 7

We are the only ones able to judge what constitutes a violation of the terms and conditions above. Non-compliance with the above terms and conditions is grounds for account suspension or deactivation.

Art. 7.1

These conditions may be changed by SC Awesome Projects SRL from time to time without notice to users or prior acceptance by them. You can review the most current version of these terms at any time by visiting this page.

Ultima actualizare : 09.06.2022


A Hostico sütiket használ, gyűjt és feldolgoz a funkcionalitás, a biztonság, a forgalom elemzése és a portál használhatóságának javítása érdekében.
